During the Fifth Quad Committee Hearing, PCol. Royina Garma was invited to give her statement regarding
her involvement in former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s (“FPRRD”) war on drugs. Garma was the
mastermind of the three Chinese nationals’ killings and even headed the Davao Death Squad or the
Duterte Death Squad (“DDS”) during the former president’s mayoral term.
According to witnesses Superintendent Gerardo Padilla and Persons Deprived of Liberty (“PDL”) Tata Tan,
Andy Magdadarog, and Jimmy Fortaleza, Garma was instrumental in the killing of the three Chinese
nationals inside the Davao Penal Colony (“DAPECOL”). Promised a reward of PhP1 Million per head
and early release, Tata and Andy killed the three (3) foreigners under the order of SP04 Arthur Narsolis,
who had been acting on behalf of Garma. Superintendent Padilla, then the warden of DAPECOL, was
threatened by Garma, told not to interfere, and ordered to turn a blind eye to the killings. Jimmy Fortaleza,
Garma’s former classmate testified that he acted as the intermediary between Padilla, Garma, and PDLs
Tata and Andy. Clearly, the witnesses’ corroborative statements show that Garma was hands-on in this
During the interpellations, it was revealed that Garma had a very colorful and accomplished record, which
she did not obtain out of her merit. She had been installed in high-ranking positions in law
enforcement agencies in Davao during the mayoral term of FPRRD. She was also appointed as Cebu City
Police Director during the presidential term of FPRRD, despite the objections of the previous Cebu City
Mayor. The most obvious power flex would be her appointment as Chief of the Philippine Charity
Sweepstakes Office (“PCSO”) just 15 days after her retirement, despite having no background in the gaming
or charity industry or having zero knowledge of PCSO operations.
Garma was intimately connected to FPRRD. Garma bragged that she could go straight to
FPRRD when he was in the Malacañang. As Bato Dela Rosa had previously stated, there is a public official
who is closer to the former president’s ear than Bato himself. Could she be the “closest” sweetheart of
Cong. Jinky pointed out that Garma’s appointments were done with favor from FPRRD and that she
was very much trusted by FPRRD. When repeatedly pounded by the Congressmen, Garma was unable to
explain why FPRRD had favored her over everyone else. Records show that she oversaw the FPRRD’s
war on drugs, especially those involving the extrajudicial killings of those who threatened FPPRD and his
cohorts’ drug monopoly.
Throughout the Quad Committee hearing, Garma was a stinky liar and had been very evasive and secretive
– even going so far as to play stupid and deaf during the interpellations. She thought she could
play the Quad Committee like she played with everyone else. However, she was no match for the members
of the Quad Committee. The Committee laid down documents after documents of proof that she was
indeed FPRRD’s lapdog and right hand.
Everyone has a weakness, and the Quad Committee has found hers. One thing about Garma though, is
that she is not disguising herself as an innocent and clean woman. She looks like a killer – because she is
one – but she never thought that anyone would have the gall to call her out on it. That was until
the Quad Committee was formed.